beautiful creatures
Welcome Hi,i'm syama. This is my simple blog that i tried to make it look nice for people to see. Do follow me baby :) Thanks^^
♥ Wishlist ♥
Syama ♥ Ashraf
Eun Whan ♥ Jae Kyung
A Millionaire's First Love ♥
♥ Big Claps ♥ Template: Aina Syaza Editor:Syama Hasni Other: WeHeartIt Photobucket
| I Am Not A Model :)
Assalamualaikum and Hi dear followers and readers ^.^ How are you all been doing tonight? Or perhaps mornight? :/ Since it's already 1.22am in the morning and I'm writing this entry for you guys. These past few days has been really boring for me but today, it was a little bit different! I received a freelance photoshoot offer with some photographers.
One of the photographers posted in IPT asking for muslimah talent who can plays with the face mood. I was curious about it and so I asked him. I can easily communicate with him because we used to chit chat about photoshoots before. Then, he told me everything about it and he asked me whether I'm interested to join or not. Well, I was really interested since I can have something to do apart from staying at home and do nothing ~.~ I told him that I can at least try but I cannot guarantee that it's going to work well. I put my faith to Allah's blessing. If Allah helps me, everything will work just nice.
I thought that photoshoot was hosted by Kechik Shutter (Kacheza Bbsk) but I was wrong. When he came to pick me up at my house and while we're inside the car, I only came to know that the photoshoot was going to be hosted by another photographer named Airil Hebat. I know him cause we also used to IM each other and he used to offer me a photoshoot. Inside the car, there was Kechik Shutter, Nor Azafarizzal and me. I was sitting at the back. I called Kechik as Zam because that's what he called himself while talking with me. Zam called Airil and asked where he was at that time. Airil was at McDonald Medan Gopeng and so we're off to go there. When we arrived, Airil told Zam where the place for the photoshoot will be held. It was at Taman Botani. They're going to have a very foresty background for the photoshoot.
Soon after we arrived at the exact location, there were few others photographer who came to join us. There was Syed Jamalullail, Tun and Akram. So, adding up there are six photographers and one talent :/ I'm scared cause I'm afraid I won't reach their expectations :/ Hmm I asked them to guide me few poses that they wanted. They asked me not to smile because the main theme was playing with moods. He asked me to smile but not showing any teeth. Well, that's easy because that's what I'm planning to do. I'll just show you guys the photos that has been uploaded by the photographers. This is just two of them. I'm still waiting for the rest to upload it :) I'll edit this entry again and put them later on okay? By the mean time, do enjoy my moody photoshoot theme ^.^
Shoot by Airil Hebat :)
Shoot by Kechik Shutter :)
Shoot by Kechik Shutter :)
Shoot by Kechik Shutter :)
Shoot by Kechik Shutter and edited by Takara Sakana :)
Shoot by Airil Hebat :)
Shoot by Airil Hebat :)
Shoot by Nor Azfarrizal :)
Shoot by Nor Azfarrizal :)
Shoot by Kechik Shutter :)
Shoot by Airil Hebat :)
Shoot by Nor Azfarrizal :)
I want to say thanks to the all photographers who were wiling to shoot me the other day :) I really enjoy the photoshoot and you all the best, MASTERS! ^.^ Credit goes to Kechik Shutter, Nor Azfarrizal, Airil Hebat, Tun Zikri Firdaus, Syed Jamalullail and Mohamad Akram Hassan. These were all my photographers who's willing to shoot me the other day. Thank you so much guys :D
As for now, that's all I can update cause that's the only picture that has been uploaded by the photographers. If I have more, I'll put it in here :) Stay tuned okay. That's all for today's entry. Thanks for reading and I will post more ^.^ Assalamualaikum and Adios :*